Tuesday, October 28, 2008

If posting on Vitamin Art was necessary to get my daily requirement of nutrients, I'd be dying of scurvy by now

Dear Blog,
I'm sorry I've been neglecting you, but I do think of you everyday! So much has happened in the past month.

Last month at the library they had this awesome little exhibit on the 6th floor near the rare books room. They also had this exhibit called Bookworks 08 on the 6th floor, I saw it the day before it was to end. It featured local artists and their art books. There were also a few three dimensional installations. I wish I took pictures : (

The last picture (as seen above) has my favourite booklet shown. I enjoy the simplicity of the layout for the Federal Writers Project booklet. The little detail of San Francisco going down vertically something a bit unexpected.

Random, but I love the colourfulness of the Mission. The awning is cute.

And of course, I needed to throw in the obligatory graffiti pic.

Blog, my friend, I promise I'll try a lot harder to update you more often, like, at least once a week often.
