Sunday, December 28, 2008

Only 4 more days...

Christmas is over and done with. One more holiday to go.

Monday, December 8, 2008

In the kitchen, cookin up some marvelous ish

Sara, Jordan, and I are baking typography cookies. Some of the cookies are sans serif, while others have slab serifs. Some of our cookies contain text slang like "lol", "WTF?" and "k : )" They are most delicious. I can't believe tomorrow is the last day of typography. The semester has gone by in a flash. I have learned so much in typography, more than I ever imagined, and I worked really hard. I feel like I finally understand typography. I used to get so frustrated in the class because I felt like I was didn't know what I was doing, especially when I would compare myself to others. I would just let myself get overwhelmed. Finally I just let it all go and stopped worrying about what other people were doing. Now I enjoy going to class and I wish that I could have more time just to dedicate to typography. Hopefully next year I can take advanced typography. I have definitely come to better appreciate the letter form and type.

Goldfish Gill(fish)

I love goldfish crackers. They're so tasty and delightfully salty. When I was reading the back of the bag I suddenly got excited. I thought to myself "the pissed of fish in the story is named Gill and it looks almost like the typeface they used for some of the packaging is Gill Sans!" I wish I could say that this is Gill Sans, but the "l"s, the "y"s and the question mark "?" are definitely different.
: (

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Live, from Emma's Coffeehouse

As you can kinda see from my crappy photobooth picture, its cloudy outside, and apparently 52 degrees according to this screen that I'm watching inside Emma's. I came here to study, but I love sitting in here and people watching. I want to live on this part of Hayes. There are all these cute little shops, and there is a laundromat next door. Its busy, but quiet at the same time.

The corner store, the barber, the bicycle shop, the cleaners, all locally owned.
A majority of the storefront signs are hand painted, which gives a personal touch that I appreciate.

Yeah, the weather channel lied. Its not 52 degrees out, its kind of bloody freezing. I just ran outside in my little cardigan to take pictures, all for the sake of Vitamin Art. I have such dedication.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

___________ is redonkulous

December has come, everything is coming up to an abrupt end. So scary. Please, hold me now.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

My new friend, the photocopy machine

So, I'm kind of in love with photocopy machines right now. After spending so much time in front of a screen on inDesign and Photoshop, the photocopy machine is a much welcomed change. They might look like standard boring office tool, but there is so much potential manipulation. Although I have only used contrast and zoom I have come up with all sorts of different looking results. It's way sexy.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

My face[and]book[s] face this wall

Back in September on one of my first Pearl trips of the semester I bought a large 10 yard roll of paper for only $10. It's kind of amazing. I have used this giant roll of paper for so many things.

Everything from the run of the mill class projects to Jack In The Box.My favourite use of paper is on my wall. I use my wall as a bulletin board since I couldn't tack up a real bulletin board (the walls are extremely hard). Along with personal notes, reminders, a lightbulb, and doodles I tape up various flyers that were handed to me on the street, stickers, and other miscellany. I like to check out what people are designing for the streets and the masses.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

If posting on Vitamin Art was necessary to get my daily requirement of nutrients, I'd be dying of scurvy by now

Dear Blog,
I'm sorry I've been neglecting you, but I do think of you everyday! So much has happened in the past month.

Last month at the library they had this awesome little exhibit on the 6th floor near the rare books room. They also had this exhibit called Bookworks 08 on the 6th floor, I saw it the day before it was to end. It featured local artists and their art books. There were also a few three dimensional installations. I wish I took pictures : (

The last picture (as seen above) has my favourite booklet shown. I enjoy the simplicity of the layout for the Federal Writers Project booklet. The little detail of San Francisco going down vertically something a bit unexpected.

Random, but I love the colourfulness of the Mission. The awning is cute.

And of course, I needed to throw in the obligatory graffiti pic.

Blog, my friend, I promise I'll try a lot harder to update you more often, like, at least once a week often.


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Holga Luv

I took this photo over the summer with my lovely Holga camera. I basically love this photo and the overlapping of the text on the sign. I achieved this effect by doing multiple exposures using a different colour flash each time. It kind of reminds me of the 3D books.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Self Signage

I love seeing groups of boxes together with their varying heights and colours. The mail box looks like it has eyes.

There is a good assortment of things going on here. The Examiner message at the bottom of the box is simple, yet it really stands out .

However, the best part of the box was this ridiculous "JorOne" sticker. It doesn't look legit, but it does make me laugh with the counterfeit sneakers deal. The pills and dollar signs around the edges gives it that special extra touch. Haha. Found on Masonic and Hayes.

Not the best tag, but I do like how the background is used and the letters aren't filled in. Found on Haight and Masonic.

I'm a fan of the use of "hello" labels and postal labels for tags. There is so much potential for such a small label. Found on Turk and Masonic bus stop.

If you see this man on Haight street at least give him your time and some spare change, he sounds awesome.

With all the labels and stickers on this Newspaper box it looks like some sort of collaborative collage. My personal favourite is the "Whore 2 4" sticker and its use of different fonts. Found on Haight street.

I honestly have no idea what this flyer is about, well, actually I do. Its a flyer I found downtown for some kind of website. I haven't visited this website yet, but I'm willing to bet its some sort of conspiracy theory type deal.
Part of the text from the flyer:

Coast to Coast and now GOING GLOBAL New York's favorite secret is San Francisco's favorite secret website
What Happens in the Golden Gate City has INSTANT Global Implications"

This flyer looks like someone who isn't very knowledgable about creating flyers made it in Microsoft word and for some odd reason printed out on paper that is usually used for certificates.